So upon receiving my bag of sea salts I must say I'm impressed by the packaging.It's a good amount of product for the price you pay and the bag is resealable so it stays dry and fresh.The resealable packaging and volume of product in the bag gives this product a 9 out of 10.It loses one point cause as someone who checks all ingredients I personally would love to see the ingredients on the packaging.But neverless you can look online and find ingredients so not a complete issue just would be nice to be included on the package.Does not take away from the product though.
After adding the bath salts to my bath I was impressed by how quickly it dissolved in the bath water.I have been battling dry skin and once out of the sea salt bath my skin felt soft and silky smooth.I also have had sore knees and as I soaked in the sea salts I felt my sore knees start to feel better.I was skeptical about this cause so many promise things and don't follow through but this product definitely delivers.I give this product a 10 out of 10 as delivering just as it says.
You can buy a bag of your own on amazon for the low price of $11.95
And check out the company on facebook
I got my bag for free but in no way did that affect my review of this product and I assure you i'll be buying from this company in the future.
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