In this blog I am here to talk about a product that is a time saver,money saver and a fabric saver.Lint,fuzz and pills are all things that show up on our clothes and upholstery making them look not so good.Their are lint rollers for the lint and fuzz but eventually they stop working as well as the once did.But with this fabric shaver it can take care of the lint,fuzz and even pills on your clothes and upholstery in just a matter of seconds leaving your clothes and upholstery looking as good as new and you can rest assured this will work as well on the 100th time as it did the 1st time.This comes with the shaver itself,the power cord and the cleaning brush to keep your fabric shaver in top condition.It is cordless once you charge it up and goes for a long time before needing to be charged again.It works on any fabric and won't harm your fabrics only keep them looking as good as the day you got them.This is a great gadget to have around the house and to keep with you in case of a fashion emergency.

- Safely and efficiently removes pills, lint, and fuzz from clothing, upholstery, curtains, carpets, and more
- Fabric shaver trims only the top fuzz and suctions it neatly into a detachable bin
- Large 2.5-inch shaving surface,Comfort grip handle
- Included power cord,Motor-driven
If you would like to get one of these great fabric shavers you can find them here on their amazon page
I did get this in exchange for my honest and unbiased review but in no way was my review influenced.
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