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Monday, February 2, 2015

Charcoal Konjac Sponge

In todays blog review i'm gonna review another beauty trend that seems to be hot right now and that is the Charcoal Konjac Sponge.It's a facial sponge that is supposed to remove toxins from your skin and give your skin a balanced ph level.For more on this product I did some research to see exactly what a konjac sponge is all about. Made from the root of the konjac plant,Konjac sponges are made from a natural fiber that absorbs a lot of water.At first when you get the sponge it is rock hard and feels like a lump of coal and looks like one too.But don't be alarmed once you soak it in some water you will notice it soften up and you can now use the product.You can use it with or without face cleanser but if you choose to use with face cleanser know that it will not take hardly any cleanser at all as it soaks it up and suds up really good.It feels great against your face much better than the typical was wash cloth you typically use to wash your face.It's ever so gentle on your skin and leaves your face feeling soft and smooth.But does the Lalune Charcoal Activated Konjac sponge match up to the others on the market?Lets take a look at this product now starting with the packaging of it.
As you can see the packaging is simple but very enviromentally friendly.Inside the box is two individually wrapped sponges.Each sponge lasts 2-3 months so this box will last uou 4-6 months which is an amazing deal in itself.Also included is two suction cup hangers to hang your konjac sponge on so it can air dry between uses.By it drying hard it keeps any bacteria from forming so make sure to hang it up after every use.You can add water to it again to resoften it and use it again.Now to examine the sponges themselves.

The sponge is exactly what you expect out of a konjac sponge in the fact its hard at first and softens once you add water.It is of great quality and does feel great against the skin and leaves the skin with a soft feel and a healthy glow.I used it both with and without cleanser and it did well both ways but I did notice when I added cleanser it took a small drop and it sudsed up really good.

Overall I am very pleased with this product and how it's made my skin feel and look.Plus the idea that the sponge is free of bacterias means its also a much healthier way to clean your face.I say ditch the wash cloths and pick up a konjac sponge instead.Your face will thank you and you'll notice a great difference in the look and feel of your face.

If you want to get your own set of sponges I would highly suggest the Lalune Naturals sponges as they only use the best and most natural ingredients in their sponges and they are reasonably priced.Find them at the link below.

I did get this product for free but in no way did this influence my review of this product as I genuinely do feel this product is well worth the money and will purchase more of these once my 4-6 months of current use on the ones I have is finished.

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